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HEUER's vision for the Future of America..LEADERSHIP

Leadership should not only respond quickly and effectively to resolve conflicts and crises as they are encountered, but to have a thoughtful and engineered plans and strategy for the future.

I have already outlined out my plan for resolving some of the most pressing crises facing America.

Here I will mention a few concepts on leading us into the future.

Worker creation

Job creation

Prisoner rehabilitation and housing crises fix;

Introduction of; Federal Aid Highway Act 21st Century.

By reallocating funds after an extensive purging of wasteful Federal funding, I would introduce a new program, I call it the Federal Aid Highway Act 21st Century, the next phrase from the original Interstate highway system.

Advancing America into the future with improved National security (an emphasis on the trucking industry and rapid evacuation/rapid troop movement), job creation, greener commerce, alternative to air travel, creation of a transportation system superior to that of high speed trains (something America has not been able to figure out) expansion of real estate markets (helps fix the housing crisis). With America being an auto centric society, this will be a well-received program.

In a nut shell this is a high speed, hands free, auto-bus-cargo magnetic levitation/propulsion system, users will be able to travel and commute in their own cars on a carrying sled.

This system can dedicate routes for the supplemental transportation of driverless cargo boxes. This system can operate during off peak hours, keeping our freight moving with better efficiency than we now have and very importantly, we will have better oversight over the American trucking industry by eliminating the cells of Islamic terrorists waiting in silent Jihad. Read the book "Stealth Jihad" by Robert Spencer.

A new transportation system could embrace the 20-minute neighborhood with a new 30-minute travel (intentionally  not calling this a commute). With this 30-minute travel, new real estate markets will become available to those in need of affordable housing.

This will create a paradigm shift due to the fact that this 30-minute travel time will now become useful time that one could apply towards the time that they spend on a normal workday.

Not only will this be an improvement on quality of life for many, but it will also create economic development in many locations.  With an unprecedented number of new sustainable jobs in many sectors.

A reduction of greenhouse gases and improvement to our environment could be a result from a new transportation like this due to less automobiles operating on fossil fuels. Additionally, this new transportation system would allow for mass transit along with embracing the auto centric society in which we live. The electricity to operate this system could in part be found from renewable energy sources and electricity storage.

All of this will become a reality because of a new transportation system that allows for hands-free high-speed travel via an electromagnetic system within the same transportation corridors that in use now.



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