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New transportation & commuting Interstate system;

My engineering company Heuer Labs LLC out of Whitefish Montana is innovating a new future transportation system to introduce a new method of “trucking” our goods across America and to embrace the 20-minute neighborhood, a new place to call home.

We are designing an entirely new system to move American’s existing types of automobiles; fossil fuel and other.

A new 30-minute travel to work (we intentionally are not calling this a commute). Will open up new real estate markets available to those in need of affordable housing.

This will create a paradigm shift due to the fact that this 30-minute travel time will now become useful time that one could apply towards the time that they spend on a normal workday.

So, this will become a paradigm shift because the worker will now use a morning travel time as productive work time and then the same on the way home resulting in a one hour a day time savings which is 2000 hours a year. When individuals have more time, they can contribute to humanity similar to what Andrew Maslow mentions in his Hierarchy of Needs. Not only will this be an improvement on quality of life for many, but it will also create economic development in many locations.  With an unprecedented number of new sustainable jobs been many sectors.

A reduction of greenhouse gases and improvement to our environment could be a result from a new transportation like this due to less automobiles operating on fossil fuels. Additionally, this new transportation system would allow for mass transit along with embracing the auto centric society in which we live. The electricity to operate this system certainly could be found from renewable energy sources and electricity storage.

All of this will become a reality because of a new transportation system that allows for hands-free high-speed travel via an electromagnetic system within the same transportation corridors that are in use now.

This is just one example of a possible solution; the point here is to push forward with a plan.

We’ve seen enough, now let’s fix it!

Committee to Elect Mitch Heuer
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